D-BIT - "Setting the standard"

  • Key design concepts drive the development of the products.
  • Incremental development ensures that the software becomes progressively more polished based on continuous feedback and also reduces the risk of correction of established code.
  • Selectively incorporating provisions for features and functions, lays a foundation, that will be added to over time.
  • Acknowledgment that software requirements change over time

  • Employee Centric
  • Integrated Leave 
  • General Ledger
  • Audit Trail
  • Custom Security
  • Batch Input System
  • Web Update Service for Installed Payrolls
  • Web Based Asset Viewer
  • Barcoding & Tracking
  • Dealers
  • Forecast Projections
  • Images
  • A barcode scanning solution which has been specifically designed and developed to integrate directly with D-Bit Fixed Assets Professional
  • Custom Scanning Templates: Any asset master file field (including supplementary datafields) may be included in the scan sequence.
    (E.g. Useful Life and Fair Value for IFRS compliance)
  • Ability to "take on" assets directly from the scanner
  • Selective downloading of assets for verification scanning
  • Elective updating of the assets register for scanned results
  • Scan updates integrated into field level audit trail
  • Contracts
  • Charges
  • General Ledger Integration
  • Fixed Asset Integration
  • Add new employees to our payroll
  • Modify master details of employees
  • Modify HR details of employees
  • View payroll reports over the Web
  • View payslips over the Web
  • Capture batches over the Web
  • Create client specific input sheets
  • Post batches through the Web into the D-Bit Payroll
  • Enhanced security model to controll access to the system
  • Create client specific input sheets
  • Capture timesheets over the Web
  • Post batches over the Web
  • Add new employees to your payroll
  • Modify master details of employees
  • Modify supplementary details of employees
  • Modify HR details of employees
  • Generate invoices from Web Input
  • View payslips over the Web
  • Enhanced security model to control access to the system
  • Designed to automate and manage
    Staff lists, Garnishees, Maintenance order, Access Bonds, Building Loans
  • Individual register of each Debt
  • Detailed Record of Debt Paymants
  • Payroll Integration for Collection Porposes
  • Flexible rules for calculation of Debt Recovery
  • Collect Commission
  • Credit Notification
  • Interest Calculations
  • Amortisation Schedules
  • Even the best hardware in the world can go wrong. If you’re doing daily backups then you could loose up to 24 hours worth of data
  • D-Bit Replication is designed to copy (replicate) a data base to another location, either within the same or (preferably) another network computer without interrupting users who are working!!
  • Replication of data does not replace the requirement for a comprehensive data backup procedure
  • Replication provides a second level of security by making ‘backups’ of your applications databases during the work day
  • When systems fail, using conventional backup systems usually mean the loss of the current days transactions. Replicating data during the work day minimizes loss of data to the replication interval